Monday, January 25, 2010

Hunger Strikes!!!

I don't understand! I seem to be hungry all the time!!! And if I'm going to accomplish my Valentines Day goal, THEN I ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT BE HUNGRY! And the smell of coffee every day when I walk in the door from school doesn't help! I feel like I'm the bowling pin (the one in the middle) and sometimes I get lucky and don't get hit but most of the time that raging ball of food comes at me when ever I'm the most vulnerable. And even if it doesn't hit me directly, It hits others that fall and those knock me down, like if I see some one having an extra piece of pizza, or an extra cookie I want one! I think that is when we need God the most, to pick us up, when we fall. I think the devil had this scheme planned out... See I said, "I'm going to lose five pounds by V.D," and I said,"It won't be easy," Those were the key words, the devil is like the one controlling the ball he wants the pins to fall down no matter what happens! Even if he hits one, and the sad thing is, he takes pride in it!!! Yep, every time you fall he smiles! So always try to look at the bright side of things! No matter what happens!! WOW..... I just taught myself a lesson....and I didn't even realize it! I guess I can make my goal after all!


  1. so wise beyond your years grasshopper :)
    love u

  2. I always knew you were a smart kid... and you proved me right!!!

    love you Sweet Pea!

  3. LOL!! Thanks from both of u!

    Love yall too!
