Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I didn't make my V-day goal.....Oh well! I am now shooting for 5 lbs by Spring Break! I will half to work extra hard, and most importantly..... GET MY ZUMBA ON!! Today was great! It is my Friends B-day! We made her a cake and I put a Happy Birthday sign on her locker door! I had a good time today! I also tried a new hair style. I slept with my hair in a braid, and undid it in the morning....and it was AWESOME! Sadly towards the end of the day it fell flat! Even when I put loads of hairspray in it! That's my hair for ya... It can't get any flatter!! I have such flat hair!!! Maybe if I keep this hair style going it will eventually stay wavy!! Well I half to go,BYE!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Well.... I'm back at school, have been for about 3 days now, but it is Saturday!!! And that in its self is something to smile about! The Super Bowl is tomorrow night.... Not good, the reason is, because when I go back to school Monday, everyone will be fighting about how good their team is, or how bad the other persons team is!! So I'm not looking forward to Monday! I have a Spanish test Monday, yeah, not prepared at all!! :( It just isn't going to be a good Monday!!! Well anyway today was...... Lazy, This morning I watched T.V until like 10:30, then ate breakfast, while watching a movie! then got on Facebook, stayed on the computer for about an hour! Then did something productive, cleaned my room! :) Then sat on the couch for about 20 min. then got on the computer again! Believe me, I'm not proud of myself! :) Then went to sonic, came back home, and watched another movie! Got on the computer, Yes, facebook! And now I'm here, very bored just typing my feelings out of me, ugh! Well salutations! I hope you will have a better Monday then me!