Sunday, January 31, 2010


Today is Sunday, it is also my sisters Birthday... She is turning 4 years old!!! She is growing up way to fast! Anyway, I had a sleepover last night! It was great, we watched T.V for a little while, then we played the board game Quelf.... 2 rounds!!! Mikayla won the first round, and I won the second round... After that we watched an inspiring Extreme Home Makeover, Family Addition. Then, sadly the fun ended when it was time to go to sleep, how ever I woke up at 11:00 pm breathing funny! I realized that Mikaylas' pet cat was sleeping next to me!!I'm allergic to cats, although it is not sever, I was not OK, so I got some benadryl and finally went back to bed. The next morning I woke up from hearing someone call my name.... It was.... About 7:30 am. I wanted to sleep just a little bit longer but, once I am awake, I'm awake! So I watched T.V for a little while, that is, of coarse so I could get an appetite. I started to get Hungry, so I went to the kitchen to see what I could fined. I ate Cheerios, Whole Grain!! Then I got ready for church. When we got to church, I went to the nursery, Because Mikayla and I had to watch Schad (her little brother) and the best part was we were all alone!! Yep, the roads were still snowy and Icy, that means that the church doesn't usually have classes. So no one was there except for me, Mikayla, and Schad! We had fun!! It was time to leave, so I went to find my mom, and dad. Later I found out that we were having lunch at the church! YAY!! I ate fast so that I could get my hands on the dessert! After I ate we went home. And now I'm here righting this blog, FUN, I want to be sledding, but I can't because my mom and dad have bible class. Well salutations!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Ice, Ice, and more Ice!!! If you have any clue to what I just said your probably thinking about Ice!! Well if you are wondering, I don't have school today! And I am thrilled!!! But considering I just got pelted in the head with ice... Not to happy,Well lets just say, I HAVE A HEADACHE!! This morning my alarm woke me up at 6:30 am, but more than my alarm waking me up was my mother, saying she doesn't think we're having school, so when I heard that, I thought,"I should go check it out," I immediately went to the kitchen, where my mother just walked,then I saw her looking at her laptop, I asked her if we had school, and she said we didn't, I was over joyed! The website that she was on also said that her college was closed. Later on we found out that her collage closed at 11:00 am through an email from her school. Sadly she had missed one class, it wasn't her fault that she got the email at 10:57 am! But she said it was totally fine, because the quiz she had to take could be dropped so she wouldn't get a zero. Our power is supposed to go out some time today, according to the forecast. My school is also out Friday as well... HELLO 4 DAY WEEKEND!! I wish we always had 4 day weekends, that would be nice. As weird as this sounds, I actually want my power to go out, I think it would be fun!! Got to go...Be safe on the roads!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I have some very exciting news!!! NO Homework !!! Which I think is amazing!!! I finished all of my history homework in class, which I don't know how, when I had a boy yelling... SQUISHY! In my ear all hour! Long story.... The reason I don't have math homework is because we had, dare I say it....... AAAAA TEST!! So I'm not so sure about how I did. I felt pretty confident, towards the end anyway... hehe. I'm so EXCITED! There is supposed to be 2 inches of ice under 2 inches of snow! and that never happens where I live!! It did happen once, it snowed 14 inches with about 2 inches of ice under it, but, of coarse I wasn't here, I was in Tennessee visiting family, and don't get me wrong, I loved visiting with them.. I just wish it would have snowed 14 inches there! Honestly I haven't seen 2 inches of snow in like 3 years! SO PLEZ PRAY, THAT I GET SNOW!
Well I hope it snows, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Hunger Strikes!!!

I don't understand! I seem to be hungry all the time!!! And if I'm going to accomplish my Valentines Day goal, THEN I ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT BE HUNGRY! And the smell of coffee every day when I walk in the door from school doesn't help! I feel like I'm the bowling pin (the one in the middle) and sometimes I get lucky and don't get hit but most of the time that raging ball of food comes at me when ever I'm the most vulnerable. And even if it doesn't hit me directly, It hits others that fall and those knock me down, like if I see some one having an extra piece of pizza, or an extra cookie I want one! I think that is when we need God the most, to pick us up, when we fall. I think the devil had this scheme planned out... See I said, "I'm going to lose five pounds by V.D," and I said,"It won't be easy," Those were the key words, the devil is like the one controlling the ball he wants the pins to fall down no matter what happens! Even if he hits one, and the sad thing is, he takes pride in it!!! Yep, every time you fall he smiles! So always try to look at the bright side of things! No matter what happens!! WOW..... I just taught myself a lesson....and I didn't even realize it! I guess I can make my goal after all!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Great Sunday!!!

Sundays, aren't they the greatest? I went to church...Heard a wonderful message, went to Mazzioe's Pizza Place, then went home to play with my friend Mikayla.... Oh, lets start with morning. First I woke up at, say 9:45 am watched a little bit of T.V, then got up and the smell of sweet cinnamon lured me into the kitchen (At this time I was really hungry) but I found that the cinnamon rolls weren't iced yet... So I took a shower,got dressed then finally ate my cinnamon roll,but their was just one problem..... I WAS STILL HUNGRY!!! So I went to blow dry my hair because I thought maybe if I let the cinnamon roll sit in then I wouldn't be hungry any more, But I was wrong, so very wrong, I asked my mother if I could possibly have another cinnamon roll , and just to let you know, the cinnamon rolls were huge!!! Anyway, since we only had 2 left, she said I could fix a bowl of cereal (Frosted Flakes) and of coarse I did. After all of that happened we went to church (Quail Springs).... Then, me, my mom and dad, Mikayla, her brother, her mom and dad, and Zack and Lacey (also friends) all went to eat at Mazzio's Pizza.Surprisingly enough I was full after 2 pieces of pizza, like so full I was having a hard time breathing...Have you ever had that feeling, like you eat way to much and you can't breath? Well that's how I feel! Anyway I was super full (couldn't even fit in desert)...That's bbbbaaaddd!!! So finished my pizza, then we left to go home, and Mikayla came with us. We got home,we went outside and SHE MODELED FOR ME!!!! I was so thrilled,after that we went to our community center and played a little bit of pool,went back to the apartment, then played Quelf (board game) and went back to the community center and played fooz- ball! Then sadly she had to go home,now I'm typing this blog.....Well dinner calls!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


OK so today is Saturday... so I went to a zumba class that rocked my socks off!! I have Asama I had to skip 3 songs just to catch my breath! Keep it on the hushedy hush! but anyway I got a total body work out, I was moving my hips, calf's, thighs... Abe's, OK, OK,so I don't know all my muscles, I don't work for NASA! pulse we haven't gotten that far in science yet! or maybe we did I don't know.....What was I saying???? HMMMM...Oh yeah zumba,it was great,just great! Oh and I have something to tell you, ready, ready,ok I half to lose 5 pounds by Valentines Day...I know, doesn't sound like allot, but for a cookie eatin 6th grader it is!! Well so far it has been a gr8 Saturday!

Friday, January 22, 2010


FRIDAY!The best school day EVER!!!!Today the weather is, NOT COLD!!! In January!How does that even happen?I just wish I had some one to model for me........I want to be a photographer if you haven't guessed yet.OOOOOHHHHH and the best part about it was that......wait for it......wait for it.....NO MATH HOMEWORK!!! Yep, that's right I said it...I finished it in school, because my orchestra teacher has been absent for 3 days, which normally I would be mad about, but if it means I get to finish my homework in class then I wish he would be gone every Friday! I hope he doesn't read this blog.....Anyway.....oh yeah the weather was great!! hehe...I also got a rice crispy treat for lunch!!!!YAY!!!! It was my turn this time....Me and my friends have a schedule every day someone different gets the rice crispy treat!All of that to say.......FRIDAYS ARE THE BOMB!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Relaxing..... and stuff

Today was very good......I had some good laughs, a nice bottle of.......... water :) and a whole lot of relaxation, ok,so maybe not that relaxing but it was a nice day. Today I learned some, ummmmmm let me see.......Oh yeah learned some science...... Wait was that science that I learned the stuff in?hhhmmm never mind that :).....So how many of u live in an apartment?Well I do!Not the most fun place to live..... See, I really want a dog,but the apartments don't allow it,the only thing they allow is something that stays in a cage all the time! :( So thats no fun! Well anyway my day was good so see ya......bye...salutations...OK...NOW BYE!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Today was a great day........ Exercise, exercise,and more Exercise,and a pinch of home work.... OK maybe more than a pinch, more like 20 pages of nothing but MATH, my WORST subject ever! Nothings like sitting down from your most stressful day of school yet, and all I can think about is the dreaded math homework waiting for me!So I got that over with, then I move on to an English Report,eat a snack,then make up for it by the pain of working every muscle in my body! Well lets just say that the bright side of the day was my friend Beatriz coming to work out with me,and of course my lovely mother being by side through the never ending pages of math! So I say good night to all and see ya tomorrow for a HOPEFULLY better day! :)